Regular Pool Cleaning Plan: The Responsible Assistant of Lake Magdalene Swimming Pools
For home pool owners in Lake Magdalene, FL we provide a Regular Pool Cleaning Plan that completes most tasks involved in keeping your pool water healthy, blue and clean. Under this plan you should vacuum, maintain proper water level, run the pool equipment, net, and call us about any issues. Tampa Neighborhood Pool Cleaners technicians do everything else.
Review the info below illustrating the service duties of Our Responsibilities vs Your Responsibilities for the Regular Plan.
Starting from $99 per month
Our Responsibilities
We empty your pool skimmer and pump baskets.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.
We brush your pool (steps, walls, tiles).
We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).
We keep your pool water healthy and eliminate any algae. Algae Free Guarantee.
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We test your pool water and apply minerals and chemicals to keep your water in excellent condition.
We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We vacuum your pool every 4 weeks.
We verify your swimming pool cleaner function.
We check your pool equipment.
Your Responsibilities
Net your pool surface and bottom.
Additional pool vacuuming, if desired, on weeks we did not.
Keep the pool equipment working and approve repairs when necessary.
Maintain proper water level.
Report any findings of swimming pool issues.
Additional Info
There might be additional startup charges for initial cleaning & treatment.
Stabilizer treatments every 3-4/months.
Monthly price based on a 4 week billing cycle.

Have a busy schedule? Check out our Premium Pool Cleaning Plan.